Adult Education Training – Jason Teteak

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Adult Education Training – Jason Teteak Download. That’s why “one size fits all” learning strategies just aren’t enough. Organizations today must have scal…

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$497   $58 – Adult Education Training – Jason Teteak

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These Are the Most Comprehensive Easy-To-UnderstandAdult Education Techniques We’ve Ever Created…

(And Now I Want To Show You How To Reach Every Learner…Every Time)

What if you didn’t have to “pay” for Learning?

Instead…what if Learning “paid” you?

And what if acquiring new learning was as simple as pulling a lever?

It sounds outlandish, but that’s exactly what “Learning Masters” (a.k.a Adult Education Specialists) do. And once you have completed this mastery class, you too will know how to leverage adult education techniques such as Learning Styles and Teaching Tools to not only grow your employees learning…

…but to grow your employees learning at a PROFIT.

Did you catch that?

You’ll no longer have to practice “hope-and-pray” or “wait-and-see” learning.

Learning will happen, because you’ll know how to make it happen.

But how do you actually do it?

How do you take knowledge + understanding and turn it into wisdom and behavior change for your employees without breaking the bank?

That’s exactly what you’re about to learn…

FACT: All Organizations Need A Repeatable System For Employee Learning

(…That Doesn’t Break the Bank)

Employees are the life-blood of any organization.

It sounds cliché, but it’s true.

That’s why “one size fits all” learning strategies just aren’t enough. Organizations today must have scalable, duplicatable learning strategies that produce real, actionable results from learning if they want consistent growth and retention, and more times than not, these “scalable” strategies come in the form of adult education.

So whether you want to:

  • Hook The Learner
  • Become Their Favorite
  • Create Your Presence
  • Understand Your Learners
  • Reach Every Learner
  • Create Amazing Learning Materials
  • Handle Challenging Learners

…quality adult education is readily available for learning.

You just know how to “teach it” the right way.

There’s just one problem: Most so-called “learning experts” and adult educators don’t know what they’re doing, and they have the results (or lack of results) to prove it.

That’s where you come in.

As an Adult Education Specialist, you are uniquely qualified to help organizations and businesses leverage adult education techniques such as Learning Styles and Teaching Tools and other adult ed techniques to grow your employees learning without breaking the bank.

More specifically, in this master class, you’ll learn:

  • The 4 learning styles of adults and how you can maximize learning by teaching to all of them SIMULTANEOUSLY
  • The secret to discovering what trainees REALLY want to know about your material without them even knowing you did it
  • An easy 5 step approach to building credibility that will get even the toughest class to believe in you, listen to you, and trust you
  • A proven method for HOOKING your trainees that makes them think your class has been tailored to THEIR needs
  • SPECIALIZED strategies for hooking a “hostile” class that doesn’t want to be there
  • Fool-proof methods to avoid feeling nervous and intimidated even when you have to teach a room full of powerful people and their colleagues
  • How to identify the “hard to understand“ concepts in your curriculum, and be SURE you teach them flawlessly every time
  • The secret to GETTING YOUR CLASS IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND before the end of your first lesson
  • How to create AMAZING training materials for ANY TOPIC so your trainees will CRAVE your class
  • The top 3 forms of communication for a trainer, and how you can harness each one to become more dynamic in the classroom
  • The 4 critical things you must do in the first 15 minutes of class to make it go smoothly the rest of the day
  • 12 ways to become their favorite: How to build the kind of rapport that will get your trainees to do anything you ask them to
  • The top 3 ways to show trainees you understand them and their struggles, and why it’s so important to do so
  • A simple 5-step model that unravels the mystery of how adults learn, and how you can apply this theory to easily reach every learner you work with
  • How to meet the needs of ALL of your trainees, even though they are completely unique from one trainee to the next
  • An easy, effective method for KEEPING trainees engaged and participating in your class at all times
  • The REAL keys to successfully “break the ice” in your classroom including the things you must avoid to do it well
  • How to sidestep a learning obstacle called “Higher Brain Disconnection” and why this will immediately improve understanding and learning in your class
  • The top 4 ways to successfully boost your enthusiasm on stressful days or for topics you find dry and boring
  • An easy recipe for identifying what questions your class has that won’t make them feel foolish
  • The most important body language interaction techniques and exactly how to use them to become more captivating and convincing
  • Efficient and productive preparation techniques so you can spend less time preparing and more time looking good in front of your class
  • Why it’s so important for your class to see you demonstrate SINCERE enthusiasm, and techniques you can use to avoid looking “fake”
  • The top 3 ways to effectively tutor to each learning style that will make EVERY trainee wonder why you are always able to make it so easy for them to learn
  • A simple method to get EVERYONE in the room following along simultaneously without ever getting lost
  • How to use the “Big Picture” technique: A simple tool that demonstrates to trainees why current subject matter is so important because of how it fits in with what is to come
  • The best way to use a written review to improve the recall ability of your trainees
  • Why students MUST write things down to maximize learning, and an easy technique to make sure ALL of them are doing it
  • How to be SURE your trainees feel comfortable by addressing the #1 fear of adult learners
  • A simple strategy to COMPEL your trainees to ask questions even if they are quiet or reluctant learners
  • An indispensable technique called the “7/20 rule”, and how it can be used to engage trainees and keep there attention for as long as you like
  • A foolproof strategy that actually REWARDS “fast learners” for efficiently completing an activity and still allows “slow learners” to finish and benefit as well
  • How to execute a “leading” question capable of COMPELLING your trainees to answer and interact WITHOUT patronizing them
  • The difference between “talk learners” and “talk hogs”, and an easy 5 step method to quickly manage constant interruptions from the “talk hogs”
  • An easy to follow formula for creating a “Write-It-Down-Box”: One of the most effective tools to ensure ALL of your trainees are able to understand and learn in their OWN unique style
  • The crucial components of each adult learning style, and why you absolutely MUST know them to successfully reach every learner
  • How to ensure your curriculum is IDEAL for ALL of the objectives and learners you have in your classroom
  • The difference between teaching TASKS and OBJECTIVES, and why knowing this is the key to keeping your trainees hooked and learning at the same time
  • A simple technique to INSTANTLY find out if your trainees understand fundamental concepts BEFORE you move on to the next lesson
  • The Rule The Room visual aid toolkit, so you can maximize the benefit of EVERY visual aid in your classroom including the board, your PowerPoint show, sticky notes, and handouts
  • An easy technique to “shut-down” hecklers: Those irritating trainees that sit in the back of the room maliciously badgering you with vocal interruptions
  • A critical tool you MUST use to ensure understanding and maximize performance in 25% of your learners called the “Step” learners
  • The difference between CONCEPTS, CONVENTIONS, and ALGORITHMS and why teaching them accordingly will improve your trainees’ test scores
  • Why most trainers are only able to teach others using their own learning style, and how to be sure you aren’t missing the other 75% of learners in your classroom
  • Clever tricks to buy yourself some time when you need an opportunity to think about how to answer a question
  • 11 ways to make your lectures CAPTIVATING so they can’t wait to hear what you have to say next
  • How to take advantage of working the “sweet spot” – that place in the room that makes you look confident and engaging every time
  • Why some trainees NEED to “discover the concepts themselves” and how you can make that happen for even the most challenging topics
  • The #1 reason trainees dread group work, and an EASY method to turn the table and get them to enjoy it
  • A revolutionary teaching strategy called “Structured Synthesis” that walks trainees through new functionality and concepts in a way that quickly enables them to perform any task on their own
  • Three surprising reasons why some trainees try to make your life miserable by PURPOSELY causing disruptions, and how to uncover their motivation so you can regain control
  • How to take advantage of involving the experts in your class and why doing so is such a powerful tool
  • An easy method to avoid hearing constant nonsense from the “know-it-alls” in your class and how these people are different from the experts
  • Four strategies to get the “quiet types” involved that will stop their unresponsiveness, and help you better assess how they (and you) are doing
  • How adults learn differently than children and the reason why that difference will change your entire approach to teaching and training

In short, Certified Adult Education Specialists are able to not only flip the switch to the kind of learning environment that grows and retains employees … they are also able to track, measure and monetize your adult education efforts.

If you’re interested in becoming a Certified Adult Education Specialist, then I have one question for you…

Are You A “Doer”…or Just a “Talker”

(or…why You Might Want To Get Certified)

Let’s face it: Adult Education experts are a dime a dozen.

So how do you separate those who “walk the talk” from the ones who merely…


That’s the problem!

And at Rule the Room, it was our problem, too.

When I was a kid, my dad was a teacher and a principal. I watched the kind of impact he had in the classroom, and with his teachers that changed lives…forever.

“When I grow up, I want to have that kind of impact.” I told myself…

Twenty years ago, I set out to make that dream a reality. I went to school to learn how to be a teacher, and I diligently studied every book they taught in both undergraduate and graduate school to make it happen.

As I learned all this “theory” in school, I thought I was being let in on all the secrets my Dad knew…things the best teachers I ever had knew…BOY, WAS I WRONG!

I quickly discovered that the things I learned in school were great on paper, but often couldn’t be applied in a real classroom…

I learned very little (if anything) practical, and I needed things I could use RIGHT AWAY with ANY classroom…

In the very first class I taught, (within the first 5 minutes) I watched a desk fly across the room. After the first week of class, 50% of my students failed the test, and even more had no recall when I reviewed what I taught…

What Was I Doing Wrong?

Why had my 6 years of college training left me SO poorly equipped to handle a real-life classroom?

I needed skills I hadn’t been taught in college, so I decided to go back to all of the best instructors I ever had and ask them how they learned all the amazing techniques they used on me.

You know what they told me?


…some things you just have to experience and learn for yourself.”

I couldn’t accept that.

Why wasn’t there a better way to develop my skills and techniques without having to devote decades of my life to trial and error in a classroom?

I decided to make it my mission to create a program that could provide a better way, a comprehensive program incorporating the most effective teaching and training techniques we’ve ever put together so that others wouldn’t have to go through what I did.

You see, we don’t just teach adult education best practices, we actually MODEL everything we teach…


…so we know how hard it is to find truly skilled people who know what they’re talking about.

And that’s why we created the “Adult Education Mastery” course and certification.

We built this certification to train our own team members, but in the spirit of “open sourcing” our business (which is what Rule the Room is all about) we’re now making this certification and training available to the world.

In short, we’re making it available to YOU…

Adult Education Mastery Course Details

In this 8-hour course you’ll learn everything you need to know about how to motivate adult learners, keep them interested, deal with challenging or disgruntled participants, and maximize learning.

Module 1:

Hook Your Class

  • Lesson 1: Introduction & Welcome to Adult Education Mastery
  • Lesson 2: Hook Your Class – Part 1
  • Lesson 3: Hook Your Class – Part 2

Module 2:

Become Their Favorite

  • Lesson 1: Become Their Favorite – Part 1
  • Lesson 2: Become Their Favorite – Part 2
  • Lesson 3: Create Your Presence

Module 3:

Engage And Teach All Learners

  • Lesson 1: Understand Your Learners
  • Lesson 2: Reach Every Learner – Part 1
  • Lesson 3: Reach Every Learner – Part 2

Module 4:

Create Amazing Training Materials

  • Lesson 1: Create Amazing Training Materials – Part 1
  • Lesson 2: Create Amazing Training Materials – Part 2

Module 5:

Handle Challenging Trainees

  • Lesson 1: Handle Resenters, Talk Hogs, Hecklers and Gripers
  • Lesson 2: Handle Experts, Know-It-Alls and Quiet Types

Bonus Materials


  • Appendix A: Training Checklists
  • Appendix B: Oral & Written Reviews
  • Appendix C: Learning Style Assessment

What You’ll Get

When you enroll today, you’ll receive instant access to:

  • The Adult Education Mastery Course
  • 5 Core Modules
  • 13 Video Lessons
  • 169 Page Foundation Learner Workbook
  • 3 Bonus Material Checklists, Reviews & Assessment
  • 5 Quizzes (one for each module)

Plus, upon successful completion of the course and all the exams, you will also receive:

  • A badge designating you as a Certified Adult Education Specialist that can be hosted on your website, email signature and LinkedIn profile
  • A digital, printable certificate suitable for framing
  • Status and recognition as a Certified Adult Education Specialist

Course Details

  • Tuition: Limited Time Special Just $297 (Normally $497)
  • Level: Intermediate/Advanced
  • Setting: Online/Virtual
  • Course Length: 6 1/2 Hours
  • Expected Completion Time: 3-7 Days

Who Should Get Certified?

Training Professionals

Grow in your career, and make training fun with engaging learning techniques that guide people through a learning process that sticks.

Team Leads

There’s nothing harder than managing a team that can’t apply what they’ve learned back on the job. So let us fix that for you.

Directors & VP’s

Give your managers and employees the training they need, so you can stay focused on strategy and execution, not on costly errors or injuries.

Instructional Designers

Infuse your lessons with fun and excitement to fully engage your audience and maximize learning with meaningful metrics along the way.

Founders and CEO’s

Running a business is hard enough without also having to worry about training, so let us worry about it, instead, saving the company tons of time and money.

How It Works


The course is a 6 1/2 hour intensive training with 13 video lessons, 160+ page learner guide, 5 quizzes, & a final exam.


70% or better is required to pass the exam. You have 3 attempts to pass. 


You’ll get a digital badge to share on your social channels & a printable certificate for framing.

$497   $58 – Adult Education Training – Jason Teteak

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