Copywriting Mastery Class – Pam Foster

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Copywriting Mastery Class – Pam Foster Download. Direct-Response Copywriter …and learn how to craft gripping sales copy that seizes attention and sparks …

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Direct-Response Copywriter …and learn how to craft gripping sales copy that seizes attention and sparks desire.

Copywriting Mastery Class by Pam Foster,
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Copywriting Mastery Class

Become a Certified

Direct-Response Copywriter …and learn how to craft gripping sales copy that seizes attention and sparks desire.

Finally, You’ll Have a Step-By-Step Plan For Crafting…

Persuasive Copy That Flat-Out Sells

…a dangerous myth that could have DISASTROUS consequences for anyone who believes it.

Want to know what it is?

It’s the myth that copywriting is only meant for writers.

Right now there are thousands of business owners, agencies, and marketing professionals out there…

(Email marketers, content marketers, conversion rate specialists, traffic buyers…)

…who have no idea how much they are being held BACK by poor copywriting skills.

It’s sad, but true.

Think about it this way:

Copywriting is the art & science of writing words that SELL.

And no matter what your digital marketing specialty is, we all have to “sell” something!

  • Media buyers & traffic acquisition specialists have to “sell the click” in their ad copy…
  • Email marketers have to “sell the open” in their subject lines…
  • Even content marketers have to “sell an idea” in every blog post!

This is why it’s essential for EVERY digital marketing professional to have strong copywriting skills.

Copywriting is like dribbling a basketball. If you play basketball, it’s ESSENTIAL that you know how to dribble—no matter what position you play.

The same is true of marketers and copywriting.

The good news is that the principles of persuasion are the same no matter what you’re working on. The techniques you use to write a high-converting sales page are the same techniques that will help you write better-performing ads, blog posts, emails, and so on.

And when you look at it that way, you start to realize that copywriting does a lot more than just improve conversions…

From generating awareness and building engagement to fostering excitement and turning customers into active promoters of your business, copywriting plays a HUGE role in EVERY single step of the Customer Journey.

(And it improves conversions. A lot.)

That’s why copywriting is in such steep demand today. You might even be surprised to learn this one simple fact… 

FACT: Businesses NEED Copywriters Now More Than Ever

(…Who Actually Know What They’re Doing)

If you’re a business owner looking to increase sales…you need better copywriting.

If you’re an agency looking to get more clients and deliver better results…you need better copywriting.

If you’re a marketing professional looking to take the next BIG step in your career…you need to be a better copywriter.

Simply put, good copywriting can have such a profound effect on your business (and your career) that I wouldn’t call it a “game-changing skill…”

But a LIFE-changing skill.

And this is ESPECIALLY true in the world of digital marketing, where the vast majority of all communication happens through the written word.

Listen, I don’t want to overstate things here, but the cold, hard truth is this:

If you aren’t writing good copy, you aren’t marketing.

With bad copywriting, you’re just “playing pretend” at this whole digital marketing thing…

…and until you learn how to write persuasive copy that converts, you’ll NEVER be a “real marketer!”

See, a pretend marketer is someone who writes copy that “sounds good”…

…while a real marketer is someone who is able to write copy that grabs your prospect’s attention and compels them to read and take action.

It’s the difference between going through the motions and actually having a positive effect on your business.

That’s how important copywriting is. And that’s why we’re so excited about our brand-new Copywriting Mastery Course & Certification.

And we’re even more pumped to announce that we’ve created this course in a partnership with the world’s top authority on direct-response copywriting…

DigitalMarketer + AWAI = Copywriting Gold

For this Mastery Class, we’ve partnered with AWAI or American Writers & Artists, Inc.


Because, simply put, they’re the best there is.

For over 20 years now, AWAI has been the gold standard when it comes to training the world’s top-performing direct response copywriters.

As a result, they’ve gained the trust and built partnerships with the best direct marketing firms in the world.

Just listen to Bill Bonner, President of Agora Publishing, who said:

“I’m always looking for more copywriters. Lots more … There just aren’t enough writers to write the hundreds of letters my company needs written every year. And I’m not alone. The whole industry needs copywriters.

That’s why I’m thrilled that my friends and colleagues at AWAI put together this copywriting program. It is by far the most comprehensive program I’ve ever seen on the subject.

I’ve made a special arrangement with AWAI. I’ve asked them to send their most promising members my way first. So far, my publishers are working with more than a dozen writers who have come from AWAI’s program.”

Or Clayton Makepeace, one of the world’s successful seven-figure copywriters, who said:

“The simple fact is, AWAI…is hands down the best way I know to get a working knowledge of the world’s most effective copywriting techniques today.

It has, quite simply, become the standard of the industry. Like many direct response companies, I won’t even consider hiring a copy cub who hasn’t completed [AWAI’s training].”

We knew we needed to create a Copywriting Certification course. It’s just too important of a skill to ignore.

But rather than create it ourselves, the thought occurred to us:

Why not join forces with AWAI and combine their classic copywriting wisdom with our modern digital marketing expertise?

Well, that’s exactly what we did.

And the result…in our not-so-humble opinion…is a must-have digital copywriting training.

The truth is that we’re standing on the shoulders of giants here. We certainly didn’t invent copywriting. It’s been around for over a century.

Instead, we’ve taken 100 years of information about persuasion & copywriting and we’ve “made it modern.”

In other words, we’ve adapted the same principles that have been proven effective time and time again by classic direct-response copywriters (think David Ogilvy)…

…and bridged the gap to the digital copywriting needs of today.

The result is an incredibly valuable training program that gets our highest possible recommendation for ANYONE who takes digital marketing seriously.

When you become Certified in Copywriting Mastery, you’ll discover…

  • Why SEQUENCE may be the most underrated aspect of copywriting & salesmanship, and how to leverage this little-known concept to make sure you deliver the right message at the right time to maximize sales…
  • How to use the metaphor of “The 4-Legged Stool” to consistently create powerful, well-balanced promotions…
  • The secret of “The Big Idea,” and how this simple concept can transform an average promotion into a compelling piece of sales copy that keeps readers riveted…
  • Learn how to dramatize your product’s benefits through the power of story, using the same 5-step system employed by one of the world’s top professional copywriters…
  • How to identify your prospect’s core buying emotion, and write a promotion that triggers their deepest desires with hard-hitting copy that SELLS…
  • What “The 4 U’s” are, and how to use them to write headlines that will grab your prospect’s attention and make them eager to read more…
  • Get our “Master Copywriting Checklist” with 36 essential copywriting secrets from the world’s top “A-List” copywriters…
  • How to quickly determine your prospect’s awareness level and use it to write copy that grabs attention and speaks directly to “the conversation in their head”…
  • Download the “Buyer Persona Worksheet” and learn how to create an in-depth psychological buyer persona just like the pros (HINT: once you get this right, it’s easy to find the right messages to talk about in your copy!)…
  • Learn how to conduct research like a pro with our “Copywriting Mastery Research Checklist” (hint: this is an essential component of writing a breakout salespage)…
  • The “3 Rules of Selling” that all copywriters should have taped to their computer monitor…
  • Download our “Hall-of-Fame Swipe File of Classic Sales Letters” so you can “steal” the best secrets from 100 years of tested, proven sales promotions and apply them to your projects…
  • Learn how to structure effective copy for ANY company or industry, with show-and-tell samples from ecommerce, B2B, B2C, service companies, nonprofits, and more…
  • What “copywriting osmosis” is, and how to use this incredibly powerful technique to go from Copywriting Newb to Marketing Master faster than you ever thought possible (many of the world’s most successful copywriters swear by this technique)…
  • Banish “blank page syndrome” forever with 15 practical worksheets, checklists, and slide decks that make it easy to get started writing ANY type of copy you need…
  • How to apply “The Power of One” to strengthen the impact of every testimonial on your website…
  • Learn the 6 types of “Direct” and “Indirect” leads that will draw readers into your copy and get prospects hooked on your message…
  • Discover how to use the “Before & After Grid” to capitalize on your prospects’ desire for transformation in order to create messaging that speaks to their deepest wants and needs…
  • Get time-tested tips to create a stronger sense of urgency in your copywriting…so that your prospects won’t just want to buy, they’ll NEED to buy NOW!
  • The counterintuitive reason why you should almost always DELETE your first paragraph of copy! (This revelation will shock you…)
  • The secret to structuring an effective sales argument that turns skeptical readers into eager buyers (HINT: you need the right combination of logical + emotional appeal so your prospects can convince themselves to buy your product)…
  • What the “Breath Test” is, and how to use this simple technique to easily identify any sentence that is too long for your prospects to understand…
  • How to make sure your copy “rings true” for your prospect, so you always sound credible and believable (hint: watch out for those superlatives!)…
  • What a “false close” is, and how & when to use this advanced copywriting tactic to convince prospects who are “on the fence” that they need to open up their wallet and buy your product NOW…
  • And much more…

In short, when you become a Certified Copywriting Specialist, you’ll know how to write attention-grabbing copy that SELLS…

…a skill you can use to write better ads, blog posts, emails, sales pages, and literally ANYTHING else online!

(Because remember, everything you write online is trying to “sell” something…whether it’s a click, an opt-in, a product, or just an idea.)

Make no mistake, guys: copywriting CAN be learned, and THIS is the system to learn it.

And like all our trainings and programs, we make sure the material is hands-on and practical.

It’s not just “theory.”

Instead, your mastery class comes complete with worksheets, checklists, slide decks, over-the-shoulder looks, examples, and other ACTIONABLE tools you can use to start writing high-converting, persuasive sales copy today!

What You’ll Learn In This Course

A System To Help You Stand Out From The Competition

You’ll learn all the most closely guarded secrets used by the world’s top copywriters, like “The Golden Thread,” “The 4-Legged Stool,” “The Power of One,” and much more. Plus, you’ll get the ultimate copywriting resource in our “Master

Copywriting Checklist” with 36 essential copywriting secrets.

As a copywriter, marketer, or business owner, you are struggling every day to stand out from a sea of competing options. In this Certification Course, you’ll learn how to create a unique messaging strategy that sets you apart and shows prospects why you’re the BEST option.

Classic, Direct-Response Copywriting, Updated for Digital

Learn the timeless secrets of “persuasion in print” from the experts at AWAI, the world’s #1 trainer of six- and seven-figure copywriters…and discover how to apply those time-tested strategies in today’s digital media! This is the secret to writing better-performing ads, blog posts, emails, sales pages, and more.

Winning Copy Structure For Every Industry & Business

Along with each new copywriting tactic in this course, you’ll get enlightening samples and examples from every type of business and industry out there: ecommerce, B2B, B2C, services companies, nonprofits, and more.

A Treasure Chest of Copywriting Tips & Tactics

You’ll learn all the most closely guarded secrets used by the world’s top copywriters, like “The Golden Thread,” “The 4-Legged Stool,” “The Power of One,” and much more. Plus, you’ll get the ultimate copywriting resource in our “Master Copywriting Checklist” with 36 essential copywriting secrets.

Copywriting Mastery Course Details

In this 5.5-hour course you’ll learn everything you need to know about copywriting. You’ll learn where persuasive messages come from, how to tap into your visitors’ core buying emotions, and how to channel those emotions using powerful selling words!

Module 1: Start Here – Copywriting Defined

Lesson 1: From the Instructor

Lesson 2: Copywriting and the Value Journey

Lesson 3: What is Copywriting

Lesson 4: 3 Fundamental Rules of Selling

Lesson 5: Defining the Prospect

Lesson 6: Connecting with the Prospect

Lesson 7: The Big Idea, The Power of One

Lesson 8: Research Overview

Lesson 9: Secret Simple Formula for a Successful Sales Letter

Lesson 10: Recap: Everything You Already Know!

Module 2: Diving Deeper Into Effective Copywriting

Lesson 1: The Theory of Resistance

Lesson 2: Write Like You Talk

Lesson 3: The Secret of Writing With Passion

Lesson 4: The Power of Stories

Lesson 5: Find Your Voice

Lesson 6: Writing Your Story

Module 3: What is Your Copy Really Selling?

Lesson 1: It’s All About The Benefits

Lesson 2: The Future Benefit

Lesson 3: Lead Magnet Checklist

Lesson 4: Deeper Benefits

Lesson 5: Your Unique Selling Proposition

Module 4: Persuading Your Prospect

Lesson 1: Connecting With Your Prospect

Lesson 2: Myth of “You”

Lesson 3: The Principle of Intimacy

Lesson 4: Power Emotions

Lesson 5: 4 Examples of Core Buying Emotions in Copy

Lesson 6: The Golden Thread
Lesson 7: The 4-Legged Stool

Module 5: Anatomy of a Successful Sales Promotion

Lesson 1: Headlines

Lesson 2: Leads

Lesson 3: The Sales Argument

Lesson 4: The Close

Lesson 5: Guarantees

Lesson 6: The P.S.

Lesson 7: The Secret of Transupstantiation

Lesson 8: Putting it Together

Module 6: Copywriting Secrets from the Masters

Lesson 1: Copywriting Secrets 1-10

Lesson 2: Copywriting Secrets 11-20

Lesson 3: Copywriting Secrets 21-30

Lesson 4: Copywriting Secrets 21-30

Lesson 5: The End & Getting Certified

What You’ll Get:

When you enroll today, you’ll receive instant access to:

  • The Copywriting Marketing Mastery Course
  • 6 Core Modules
  • 42 Video Lessons
  • 6 Handouts
  • 6 Quizzes (one for each module)

Plus, upon successful completing of the course and all exams you will also receive:

A badge designating you as a Direct Response Copywriting Specialist that can be hosted on your website, email signature and LinkedIn profile
A digital, printable certificate suitable for framing
Status and recognition as a Direct Response Copywriting Specialist

Why Should You Get Certified?

If you’re an individual…

…this certification will set you apart from the pack.

Unlike everyone else who simply calls themselves an “ecommerce expert,” you’ll have the certificate and the badge to prove it, from a source that businesses trust.

More importantly, it will make you a better marketer.

Why? Because you’re receiving the exact same training you would receive as an employee at DigitalMarketer. (And without tooting our horn too much, we’re pretty good at this stuff!)

And we held nothing back.

These are the same systems and strategies we use in our own companies to build profitable ecommerce sites, drive interested traffic to high-converting pages, and maximize our revenue from every sale. It’s taught by one of the sharpest marketing minds you’ll find anywhere, Ezra Firestone (who also happens to be an incredibly successful ecommerce site owner himself).

So, if you want to:

  • Enhance your career (or start a new one)
  • Learn the latest and greatest tactics (that actually work)
  • Expand your skill set, distance yourself from the competition, and jump to a higher pay grade…

…this course and certification is for you.

If you’re a business owner…

…maybe you don’t need the certification.

But what about your team? Do you know for a fact that they’re up to speed on all the latest and greatest ecommerce marketing strategies?

If you’re not sure, or if you just want them to receive the exact same training the team at DM receives, then get them certified!

They’ll love the fact that you’re investing in them, and you’ll love the fact that they’re performing at the highest level possible for your company.

Also, there’s no rule that you have to sit for the test. If the training is more important to you than the certification, then just take the training and look at the test as an optional extra. (But if I were you I’d take it anyway just to make sure you’re fully grasping all the concepts.)

Oh yeah, and if you’re an agency or other marketing professional, then you already know how important certifications are to distancing yourself from the competition. And who knows? It might even help you claim higher fees for the work you’re already doing.

Either way, if you expect the best for your company, then this course and certification is for you.

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