Nlptimes-Kickstart Your NLP – Michael Breen

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Nlptimes-Kickstart Your NLP – Michael Breen Download. The difference lies in what they know and what they do after they have left the seminar; how they mak…

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The difference lies in what they know and what they do after they have left the seminar; how they make use of their knowledge (and use the skills) to make their lives better and better everyday…

Nlptimes-Kickstart Your NLP by Michael Breen,
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The Ridiculously Simple Way To Dramatically Increase Your NLP Skills Easily And Spontaneously!

This Method Is So Simple And Powerful You’ll Be AstoundedBy The Positive Impact It Has On Your Life. 

Use It And I Guarantee … Year-After-Year, It Will Make Your Life(And That Of Your Clients) Better And Better… 

Dear Reader,

On a beautiful spring day, 38 years ago, two young men graduated from an NLP training course. The two were very much alike.

Both were in their 20’s. Both had just been exposed to the very same NLP techniques and tools that can make changes in people’s lives with lightning-like speed.

Both came from humble backgrounds; saving hard to afford the training.

Both were passionate NLP students – who promised themselves they would use NLP to better their lives, and that of others.

And both graduated that day, filled with big ambitions and dreams for the future.

Recently the slightly older of the two, David, turned 60.

His kids celebrated his ‘landmark year’ with the gift of a 49” TV and subscription to Netflix.

That’s when he saw his long-lost friend.

On the big screen; grinning back at him.

Somewhere in David’s chest he felt a pang of regret.

His shook his head.

His inner voice asked:

“Where has the time gone?

“Where has my life gone?”

And perhaps most stinging of all:

“How come I’m not as successful and happy as him?”

Both had been married. Both had kids. Both had started their careers as people helpers.

But there was a difference.

David’s life was a far cry of what he had hoped or dreamed it would be on that graduation day, all those years ago. His one time NLP friend had become a multi-millionaire, owner of several successful companies and was living an extraordinary life in every way.

What Made The Difference 

Have you ever wondered, as have I, what makes this kind of difference in people’s lives who have been exposed to the same world- class change technology… yet end up living such very different lives?

It isn’t that one person is more talented or gifted to another. It isn’t that one person wants success and the other doesn’t.

And it’s not that one person is simply ‘lucky’ or more motivated.

The difference lies in what they know and what they do after they have left the seminar; how they make use of their knowledge (and use the skills) to make their lives better and better everyday – once the training ends and ‘normal’ life begins.

And that’s why I’ve written this letter to you today, I want to let you in on a ridiculously simple way to dramatically increase your skills year-after-year; so you can create an extraordinary life and not end up like David.

But first, I have to ask… 

Are You Brave Enough To Kickstart Your NLP?

Chances are if you found your way to this page you already know a thing or two about NLP.

Perhaps you’ve read a book or completed a practitioner, master practitioner or even a trainer’s training.

I’m also willing to guess that since then you have had mixed results.

The enthusiasm and high you felt for using NLP has waned.

Creating the changes you want for your life, if you’re honest with yourself, has been more difficult than expected.

Figuring out how to use NLP seamlessly in the real world has seemed out of reach.

The technology has never feltsecond nature.

It’s been hit-and-miss.

At times things have felt a bit contrived.

Perhaps as so many students have told me:

 “I have a paper certificate but I don’t feel like I’m really a practitioner at all.

Don’t worry if that sounds like you.

Because many, many students who have ‘learned’ NLP – feel the same way.

Their story goes like this…

Enroll in a course. Feel a great high. Have some early wins. Impress your friends, and for a time, even yourself.

Until the feeling changes.

A couple of weeks after the seminar ends and the buzz fades; students start looking for a “top up ” (trying to re-capture that feeling).

The feeling of anything-is-possible, that they felt on the training.

Then begin to notice some of the changes that seemed to work on the seminar, start to reverse back.

Old habits, old ways – come back from nowhere.

The well-meaning student looks at their NLP workbook for answers – but feels overwhelmed. There is too much information. Too much theory and unconnected language patterns, techniques and models.

Much of it doesn’t make sense.

How do you apply it? They post on forums and Facebook to little avail.

Soon any idea of practicing comes to a halt…

… or perhaps like many; they simple forgot to practice entirely!

(Because the right anchors weren’t setup to remind them.)

Bottom line:

 … they wake up one morning and realise their NLP practice has stalled. They have lost momentum.

That’s what happened David.

It wasn’t so much that he failed to make the jump-forward he wanted for his life, as over time the early wins he made began to revert. He forgot to practice. His attention got hooked on other things.

His expectations lowered.

His aspirations lowered.

He began to drift backwards and backwards, even though he ‘knew’ NLP…

So familiar?

If so, I want you to know – YOU’RE NOT ALONE.

It takes courage to say:

My NLP skills aren’t where I want them to be. There has to be a better, quicker and easier way!”

There is.

When you overcome…


We all make mistakes.

It’s part of learning. However, not all mistakes are proportional.

Some have a disproportionate consequence than others.

Some decisions can set you back years, if not decades.

I’ve been involved with NLP for almost twenty years.

Over that time I’ve heard from thousands and thousands of NLPers from all over the world, from every major school of NLP.

And I’ve noticed ONE mistake that almost every NLPer makes.

It’s this:

Students of NLP focus on the wrong thing! 

It’s not their fault.

NLP is a truly an amazing technology.

So it’s no wonder that when new students are exposed to NLP (with its powerful ability to make changes in minutes) they rush to use the technology – with others – before they have made it a living breathing technology within themselves. 

(Or as we say in NLP they haven’t operationalised the technology within themselves.)

 At first, I made this mistake myself, so I know how costly this mistake can be.

My friend and mentor Master Trainer Michael Breen calls this…

… “the OUTSIDE-IN approach” to learning NLP.


It’s fraught with so many pitfalls and mistakes.

Don’t get me wrong – helping others is commendable and part of the reasons we all do what do…

BUT the SEQUENCE in which you learn to do things is everything.

Learning NLP is no different.

(There is a REASON why on airplanes they tell you to put your own mask first on before helping others.)

Think about it.

What if…

… the ‘Outside-In’ way most students learn NLP is the SLOOOOOOW way to get develop real skills with NLP?

What if instead…

… the more you use the tools as a matter of first priority on yourself – on your internal dialogue, your planning, your thinking, your pursuits, your reactions, etc. – the more your skills with others will develop easily and spontaneously?

What if… the better you coach yourself to dissolve the perception of your own limitations and obstacles, and transform them into simple practical things to create and do; the better you become in doing the same for others?

This is a faster way to develop deep NLP skills, from the inside out.

This is what all the great NLP teachers have done.

In doing so you make your life, and the life of your clients, better and better – year after year.

  • Go to work harnessing the technology on yourself first.
  • Your confidence grows. You gain greater and greater self-control.
  • You can do more. You get more done. You feel better about yourself.
  • You can do more for others. They notice and value you more. 
  • Incredible things begin to happen. 
  • Your life pivots UPWARDS, and one success leads to another and another.

Where others get stuck. You take find a way through – you become an action taker.

Where others get pushed around by their emotions.

You remain calm and focused.

Where others bitch and complain; you make it happen

You find simple ways to do seemingly difficult things.

If you have never known the confidence that comes from really internalising the tools of NLP, where they become part of who you are; you cannot imagine how useful, exciting and rewarding it can be to you.

 This is the way of the master.


(And Extracting At Least 100x The Rewards & Benefits You Get From NLP)

Right now, I’m convinced you could easily extract a minimum of 100 times the rewards and benefits you get from knowing NLP – if you are like most NLPers.

Because most NLPers barely scratch the surface of what’s possible because they forget to practice and don’t practice enough.

Don’t take my word for it.

Here’s what Dr. Richard Bandler once told me:

“The truth is that most people who do NLP don’t practice it enough and don’t have enough training. 

The people that have apprenticed with me for long periods of time end up being able to do a lot more. Not because they were exposed to a different class but because the level of perceptions by which they looked at the same thing changed.”

(This is what internalising NLP within yourself does – it allows you to do a lot more.)

He went on to say:

“… be distrustful of feeling right if you can’t alter something quickly and easily. Those are the times when instead of feeling like you failed, you should feel that opportunity is knocking at the door.” 

Opportunity is knocking at the door everyday – it’s just that most don’t seize it because they don’t see it.

Amongst the inner-circle of elite NLPers it’s an OPEN SECRET:

Use the tools of NLP as a matter of first priority on yourself, systematically.

This is the open secret used by masters of NLP to go much furtherfaster – than 99% of people who are exposed to NLP.

This is how they aggregate the wins and compound the benefits they get from NLP.

Not by ‘busting a gut’ trying to learn NLP or memorise techniques … but by using it as a matter of first priority on themselves … just a little bit at a time.

This is how they start being able to do doing a lot more. 

And never stop growing.

This is how you go from undervalued and overlooked to becoming that person who others talk about, and talk up, because you have embodied the technology within yourself.

And it clearly shows.

In your life.

Your confidence in yourself.

The way you interact with others and the respect and admiration others bestow on you.

The ‘next-level’ results you can create for yourself, and others; accomplishing things that you didn’t even know were possible when you first learned NLP.

Of course those who go much further and faster with NLP don’t just apply the technology in any old haphazard way.

That’s what novices do, and so fail to get traction.

That is what leads to more stop-starts, and the dreaded downward spiral where you start to go backwards. You stop growing. You forget to use NLP. 

Life boomerangs you to the back of the class.

When what you want is …

A Proven Formula To Making Your Life Better And Better

Over the past three decades Master Trainer Michael Breen has been teaching and training over 100,000 students in NLP and accelerated change technologies.

He spent a decade working side-by-side with Dr. Bandler and Paul McKenna, teaching NLP, DHE and advanced NLP and hypnosis workshops.

He knows his stuff, inside out and outside in. And is passionate about teaching others.

Michael has explored and pushed NLP technologies to the limit … and beyond; using his expert modelling skills, and tools from other disciplines, to penetrate the technology in a way few in NLP ever have (or could).

He has created multiple new applications, tools and techniques – used by students all over the world, and loved by clients – for their simple to use, easy to implement way of greatly improving their lives. 

This journey lead him to noticing the difference that makes the difference between students who graduate and use NLP to propel their careers and life to higher and higher levels year after year vs those…

… like David, who get inspired but for various reasons NLP never becomes second-nature.

For the great majority it never becomes an incredible limitation busting operating system that they use daily, to improve their life… and that of their clients.

Since NLP in the 1990’s and 2000’s had become overly fixated on techniques – band-aids, effective but NOT what was needed to get students to operationalise the toolkit of NLP – Michael went back to foundations and fundamentals.

He got to work putting together a formula.

formula he refined anddeveloped through decades of trial-and-error learning, real-world lab experience and thousands of hours of one to one work, which you can use to get that feeling (the one where ‘anything feels possible’).

Where life feels exciting, engaging and entertaining.

(Not drab and dull; but one where you get you to choose a rich, vivid and bright life experience and create new levels of success, as you define it.)

A way to train your nervous system to move through the world with greater self-esteem, confidence and control where you take action on your dreams and goals automatically (no drama, adrenaline or hyping yourself up required.)

An expertly crafted process that shows you how to use the tools of NLP as a first priority on yourself, systematically – so you literally blow through limitations.

(Sidenote: It also does amazing things for integrating any pre-existing NLP skills and training you have had and helps tremendously for people who work with clients…)

For the first time ever… you can now go through the very same live training previously only available to a select group of clients where Michael teaches you a ridiculously simple way to dramatically increase your NLP skills easily and spontaneously … and make your life better and better, year after year.

Introducing ‘Kickstart Your NLP’

(A Ridiculously Simple Way To Dramatically Increase Your NLP Skills Easily and Spontaneously… And Make Your Life Better And Better)

In this home study Two Day VIDEO workshop Michael teaches you how to dramatically increase your NLP skills easily and spontaneously, with little effort on your part.

You will discover his proven method for making NLP a living-breathing toolkit you use daily, feel confident about and transform problemsand limitations naturally.

But that’s not all. 

You are going to be exposed to the very same distinctions, interventions and tools he uses when doing one-to-one rapid change work AND learn his ‘go-to heuristics’ for helping students who want to ‘brush up’ (and skill up) on their NLP.

You’ll learn his unique formula for making your life work better and better and that of your clients, using fundamental tools and techniques of NLP that 99% of students are missing, or have never been taught.

In case your new to NLP Times and don’t know Michael’s story, let me share a little about his background and why he is an someone worth learning from…

Meet Michael Breen 

One of the industry’s most well respected Master NLP Trainers and thought leaders.

This exclusive training is taught by a world-class master NLP trainer and celebrity coach Michael Breen. Michael has:

  • Over 30 years experience teaching NLP around the world
  • NLP Master DHE Trainer and Master Hypnotist
  • Co?founded largest NLP training school in the world 
  • For 10 years co-ran workshops with Dr. Richard Bandler & Paul McKenna
  • Is an expert at behavioral change
  • Management consultant to numerous Fortune 100 companies
  • Creator of multiple NLP tools and applications
  • Is one of Europe’s leading executive coaches
  • And is known for teaching NLP in a way that makes it very easy to apply and gets results.
  • Has taught over 100,000 students

Inside Kickstart Your NLP, You’ll Learn To:

Master Your Mindset

  • Discover the counter-intuitive beliefs that top NLPers use to help them quickly diagnose problems and design solutions that stick
  • Learn about the powerful influence of the ‘Event Driven Brain’ on your day-to-day emotions and responses (learn how get it to work for you
  • Find out when it’s a good idea to use big pictures on your goals and aspirations AND when it’s NOT a good idea to use big pictures to get yourself to take action
  • What you MUST reactivate if you want to live a life in which you enjoy greater levels of success and rewards every-single-day, year-after-year…
  • Why you should never confuse Goals with Wants… (this is an important one)
  • Discover a mind-blowing realisation about your wants that had eluded you… yet is essential to your sense of happiness and satisfaction.
  • Discover Michael’s unique process for helping you figure out what you really want (works great with clients too)
  • The 3 step foolproof strategy to get more of the stuff you want today
  • How to use the Meta Model and Michael’s in-house tools to discover the REAL source that is driving so many of your choices
  • The 1 word Meta Model challenge that you can use with anyone to create insights over and over again
  • Apply Michael’s “Use your advantages” strategy so you can immediately feel more resourceful, capable and knowledgeable than you realise. (This strategy is used by top NLPers and injects you with confidence every time.)
  • Discover this life-expanding distinction about ‘procrastination’ that will amaze you… (once you really get this – it changes the way you think about procrastination forever)
  • Uncover the surprising trick-of-the-mind our brains fall for which cause people to suffer and feel stuck (but can also be used to make you feel confident, excited and get in to action!)
  • Skills Enhancers; Transform any skill you want to improve so it moves from… “it’s possible for some, to it’s possible for me to… it’s just the way I experience the world.”
  • The surprising truth about ‘famous’ people that you should always keep in mind the next time you find yourself “looking up” to a role model
  • Discover the one pattern Michael learned from people who had more money than they could spend (If you ever wanted to know the real secret why do rich people have money, Michael tells you why.)
  • Take on Michael’s provocative experiment to enjoying more money in your life (which he learned from his ultra-wealthy clients)
  • Discover an old school ‘occult’ strategy to having what you want… that Michael has been using since 1977! (He loves it because “It works” like crazy.)
  • The key function of the conscious mind and remarkable distinctions that it plays in slowing down or speeding up change.
  • Discover the important life lesson Michael learned from jumping out of a plane nine times (before he crashed in to the earth!)
  • Michael’s recommended way to quickly let go of your story from the past and expectations others have of you that no longer serve who you are
  • Discover how the way we think can be used to programme new behaviours or reinforce undesired responses
  • Which questions anyone can use to create a richer, more fulfilled life starting today.
  • The ONE thing you should start doing with your goals that almost everyone misses which will have your clients think you are a #COACHING BOSS

Of course Michael doesn’t just teach you how to switch up your mindset, you will also learn…

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