Mastering The Magick Of Witchcraft – Rose Ariadne

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$297   $42 – Mastering The Magick Of Witchcraft – Rose Ariadne

“I was shocked how quickly my life changed when I followed her simple steps… and if a clueless atheist can cast real Magick spells that actually work… anyone can

How A Broke, Love-Sick, Desperate 31 Year-Old Atheist On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown Accidentally Discovered Real Secrets For Releasing “Hidden Energy” With Powerful Magick Spells That Changed His Life… Almost Overnight!

“If someone had told me where I’d be today, I never would have believed it… but now I’m living proof that some Magick actually works!”

From: Rose Ariadne

Dear Magick “Seeker”,

4 years ago a series of miracles occurred that changed a man’s life.

These miracles didn’t happen by chance.

He released secret energies of the universe to “create” these miracles.

I showed him how… and I’ll tell you how to do it too if you read every word of this letter.

When I first saw him in line at the grocery store, I knew something was wrong.

He hadn’t shaved in days… possibly weeks. He looked dirty and unhealthy. But most importantly…

There Was A Look Of Quiet Desperation In His Eyes…

I can’t stand to see someone else suffer. Something inside me was screaming that I should help him… but I wasn’t sure what to do.

Minutes later, I was in the parking lot putting my groceries into the car when I saw him out of the corner of my eye.

He was 2 spaces over, climbing into an old dented pickup truck, and as he shut the door a piece of paper fell out onto the ground.

I hurried over to the door and knocked on his window to make sure he saw it. I was surprised when he looked up because…

He Had Tears Streaming Down His Face…

I’ve seen a few people hit “low points” in their lives. I’ve been there myself… and maybe you have too. But this poor man had hit rock bottom. He was suffering.

I asked if he was okay, and he began pouring his heart out to me.

Sometimes it’s easier to talk about your problems to a complete stranger.

Before I knew it I was sitting at a nearby coffee shop listening to him talk about the deepest problems in his life.

One month before that day he had a good job as a computer programmer, a nice girl friend, and a small (but comfortable) condo he was renting.

His job was boring to him, and he wasn’t completely happy. But at least had had something.

2 Weeks Later Everything Had Changed… And He Sank Into A Deep, Dark Depression

It started with the death of his best friend… his grandfather. He was crushed, and he never even got to say goodbye.

He used every ounce of inner strength just to make it into work the next day. Little did he know, the bad news had just begun…

The first thing he saw on his desk was a strange piece of pink paper.

It was a message to all employees that their building was closing.

Everyone Was Getting Fired

His heart was already bleeding… and now he didn’t have a job.

He hadn’t saved a dime and had no idea how he’d pay the rent – or any of his credit card bills.

His depression deepened, and he began to withdraw from the world.

Then, about a week later, his heart was cut in two.

His Girlfriend Uttered Some Of The Cruelest Words He’d Ever Heard…

“I’ve met someone else.”

As she walked out of his condo for the last time, he collapsed on his bed… sobbing uncontrollably.

He was completely broke.

His grandfather (and best friend) passed away.

His got fired form his job.

His girlfriend broke his heart… and destroyed his self-esteem.

… and his landlord was threatening to evict him.

He had nowhere else to go.

He Was On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown…

He told me he didn’t care if he lived or died. There was nothing for him to hold on to.

He didn’t even believe in a higher power.

He was an atheist.

I couldn’t take it any more. I had to do something.

We started meeting at a local park 3 times a week at lunch.

He didn’t believe I could help him, but I made him promise to try the things I was about to teach him.

First I was his friend, then I became his mentor when…

I Showed Him My Grandmother’s Secret Magick Techniques…

First I had to prove to him that Magick is real. (Don’t worry if you are a skeptic, I’ll prove it really works if you keep reading.)

He loved it… so I began to show him a new spell or ritual every time we met.

From the moment he cast his first spell, his life began to change… overnight.

I Knew He Had To Pay His Rent… So I Showed Him A Money Attraction Spell From My Grandmother’s Old Book Of Shadows…

A few days later he received an unexpected tax refund check for the exact amount of his rent… to the penny.

His rent every month was $950.

His refund check was for $950 on the dot!

The check didn’t cover the fees for the complex, clubhouse, and swimming pool… but I think you’ll agree this was more than just a simple “coincidence”.

It was a direct result of the Magick energy he released when he cast my Grandmother’s spell.

But that wasn’t all…

That same day, he got a call from the president of a local law practice who wanted to hire him as the office manager…

For A Salary Of $95,000 Per Year…

He had been recommended to the president of the company by a close friend.

He accepted the position on the spot and started work the next week… even though he’d never been a manager before in his life.

He felt a surge of confidence and happiness he hadn’t felt in many years.

… and the moment he received his first paycheck, he felt as if he were dreaming.

Suddenly he had enough money to pay his rent and all of his bills. Plus, he had a lot left over to pay down his credit cards, buy a nice gift for his mother for Mother’s Day… and put the rest into savings, or spend it however he wanted.

… all from his first paycheck, for just 2 weeks of work!

His Very First “Money Attraction” Spell Quickly Created Long-Term Financial Prosperity In His Life

He told me how grateful he was the next time we met in the park.

I knew the spell I gave him would work. I was so happy for him.

But behind the smiles, I could still sense his inner pain.

It Takes More Than Money To Heal A Broken Heart…

Love is the most powerful force in the world… and the pain that comes with a broken heart can be unbearable.

I knew he couldn’t be truly happy until he had someone to shower with all the love in his heart.

As I sifted through thousands of ancient spells in my grandmothers antique “chest of Magick” (I’ll tell you all about it in a couple minutes). I found a unique Love Magick spell that had helped me, and so many others find Love in the past…

I prepared everything he needed… and during our next meeting in the park, I showed him how to cast the spell.

He was overcome with excitement… and hope.

He took the basic ingredients I gave him, and that night he followed the 5 simple steps I showed him to cast the spell.

But when I saw him one week later, I could see his disappointment…

There’s Only One Reason The Love Spell Didn’t Work…

He kept “wondering” when he’d meet the love of his life.

Ever since he cast the spell, he was constantly thinking about how quickly he’d see results.

You see, he’d already seen how quickly Magick attracted the job of his dreams… and he couldn’t help his excitement… anticipating the true love it would bring.

But this time, he broke one of the biggest rules of Magick.

After casting any Magick spell, you must go on about your life and let the Magick energy of the spell do its work.

Constantly thinking about your spell after you’ve cast it reduces it’s power.

… and since he kept thinking about the spell, it failed.

Once I explained this to him, I told him to do the spell again that night… followed by a simple ritual that would help him to relax..

Something Magickal Happened Before Our Next Meeting

While he was having lunch with a good friend, he saw her.

He described it as an uncontrollable “magnetic” attraction.

When their eyes met in the restaurant, he could feel the draw… and he “knew” she’d come to the table…

Sure enough she moved to the table… and they both said “Hello” at the same time.

It Quickly Became The Most Intense And Passionate Love He Would Ever Experience…

… and when his ex-girlfriend tried to get him back, it was impossible. He had found true love.

Now, 4 Years Later He Has A Life Beyond His Wildest Dreams…

Our weekly meetings in the park still happen to this day.

He knows the power of Magick, and I’m constantly showing him more powerful spells and rituals.

… and his life has gotten better, and better, and better with every spell he casts.

He operates his own successful business from the comfort of his own home… making more money than he ever dreamed.

He’s deeply in love with his wife… the same girl he fell in love with after casting the love spell I gave him over 6 years ago.

They live in a beautiful house… and they have a beautiful baby girl.

… and in his spare time he helps me run this website.

He is very good with computers, and he agreed to help me as a “thank you” for all I showed him.

I Finally Found Out Where Her Magick Secrets Came From… And I Discovered That She Didn’t Even Show Me Half Of What She Really Knew…

3 years after she passed away, I was alone in her attic (I missed her so much, I could almost feel my broken heart), I looked up through my tears and saw it out of the corner of my eye…

In the corner of the room was a cobweb covered trunk. It was dusty and obviously very old.

It had different Magick runes engraved on the outside, and when I clicked the latch and opened it up – I couldn’t believe my eyes.

There were literally hundreds of old manuscripts, loose pieces of parchment, and books so old they were starting to crumble!

I felt like I was in a movie, and had just discovered a hidden treasure chest… but in this case it was a treasure of ancient Magick knowledge and practices of very old Witchcraft traditions.

Somehow, I feel my Grandmother meant for me to find it, and carry on these Magick secrets (some dating back to the early Druids, Shamans, and other ancient Magick practitioners)…

Much of the material was written in strange tongues, different languages, runes, and Magick based scripts. Luckily, my Grandmother (and others) had spent painstaking hours translating all of it to English… and after a little effort I was able to read and understand all of it…

In the last couple years I’ve run across many books and teachings on this subject…

But the things I discovered in that trunk — the spells, rituals, and other powerful techniques — are the most effective methods of connecting with and controlling Magick energy that I’ve ever come across.

I Used Magick To Create A Life Filled With Miracles, And You Can Too…

I am Rose Ariadne, and I have been practicing Witchcraft for over 27 years. Much of what I know came directly from the ancient Magick techniques my Grandmother showed me (and what I found in the trunk in her attic).

Have you ever wondered if Magick is “real”, and maybe you can create miracles too?

Well, you can. And it will be easy for you, because…

I will show you exactly how to do what I do. (so that you can experience the wonders of the Magick my Grandma showed me)

First, I have a question for you:

Have You Ever Heard The Phone Ring And Knew Who It Was Before You Answered?

…and the instant this happens – you were connected to the hidden energy that makes all Magick possible. But I’ll show you the secret of “plugging in” to this power all the time.

Imagine what you could do with this energy if you knew how to use it!

Once you understand the exact steps to harness this power, you can use it to accomplish your goals and fulfill your dreams…

You can use your Magick to get anything you want in life, including :

  • Ending your money problems by creating a certain path to wealth
  • Finding somebody special to Love, who deeply loves YOU
  • Protecting yourself and your loved ones from all harm (including physical harm)
  • Drastically improving your physical and mental health Becoming more attractive to both men and women
  • Healing ailments in yourself and in others
  • Avoiding break-ups by helping to remove negativity and bad feelings from a relationship
  • Bringing true (and lifelong) friendship into your life
  • by increasing your overall appeal to others
  • Gaining inner confidence
  • Speaking to spirits to get their help (yes, you can also communicate with relatives that have passed away)
  • Curing a broken heart
  • Increasing your fertility
  • Losing Weight
  • The possibilities are endless – you can use your power to attract anything you desire

Why Anybody Can Use Magick To Change Their Life, Even You

The truth is, Magick energy can be controlled by ANYONE willing to discover and practice these ancient techniques.

You see, Magick energy surrounds everything on Earth – including you and me.

It’s right in front of your nose, but most people are so caught up in their daily lives that they are blind to this energy, and how it works “behind the scenes”.

Now I’m going to give you the 2 simple secrets for controlling Magick energy…

1. First, you must open your heart to the power of Magick by having full belief that YOU can tap into it’s power. AND…

2. Second, you need a teacher who can show you “step-by-step” how to use the ancient secrets to control your Magick energy. Not just any teacher, but the right teacher for YOU…

Once you have both of these, you will be amazed at how easy it is to create miracles with Magick – and how your life will change.

Ordinary People Who Know These Secrets Tap Into The Magick Of Earth’s Hidden Energy Every Day


5 Life-Changing Magick Truths:

  1. The U.S. government spends $70,000,000 a year on “psychic” research. Psychics are used by the FBI and CIA to solve major crimes, locate missing people, find missing planes, and more! Psychics use the same hidden energies that make Magick possible.
  2. There are thousands of regular people that use the “6th sense” (ESP) to see future events. Even scientists agree that ESP deserves careful study. ESP uses the same energies as Magick.
  3. Magick energies come out of your blood, fingertips, nose, and eyes. They can kill yeast and other micro-organisms in 5 minutes – proven by Professor Otto Rahn at Cornell University.
  4. Quantum Mechanics researchers have proven that sub atomic particles in the brain can transfer information to other particles, which then act on that information and cause future events to occur.
  5. Wicca is the fastest growing religion in North America and is based on Magick. It is recognized as a valid religion by the U.S. government. The rights of Wiccans are fully protected.

Thousands of people are using powerful Magick in the United States right now.

Have you ever considered the FACT that you have powers RIGHT NOW that you aren’t even using? And I’m not talking about the power many people “claim” to have, but cannot prove.

I’m talking about REAL powers that can change your life dramatically in the next few weeks.

Love, freedom from money worries, protection, healing – you can have anything you want. But…

You have to be very careful what you do next. I don’t want you to end up like so many others…

Why 95% Of People Searching For Magick Are Breaking My Heart…

Using Magick was always easy for me because I had an amazing teacher (my Grandma). But the sad truth is…

There are a lot of desperate people who turn to Magick for help – but fail.

They were never shown exactly how

…and there is so much false and useless information being sold about spell casting, many people not only lose their money… but they lose their faith.

Then, when the Magick spells fail, and nothing in their lives gets better – they are told it is their fault. And then…

...they stop believing. They give up on the miracles Magick can bring them, if they were shown exactly how to use it.

Discover The Secrets Of Magick And Unlock Your Powers By Following The Path Of Truth

You don’t have to waste your hard-earned money on bad information.

You don’t have to be frustrated by spells that just don’t work.

You don’t have to give up on Magick and all of the wonderful things it can bring to your life.

Instead, you’ll become a part of a very special group of people who know the real secrets of controlling Magick energy.

Secrets that have existed for thousands of years…

Secrets given to you by a special teacher who cares about you.

Secrets that will show you exactly how to control the Magick energies within you.

… and once you discover them, you’ll attract miracles to your life that you have always desired… any time you wish.

Is Your True Love Just Around The Corner?

How “Lonely Anne” Used Magick To Find Love, FINALLY!

When I was young, my friend Anne (she doesn’t want me to reveal her real name, so we’ll call her “Anne”) became very intrigued with the Magick I had been learning. When she saw how easily I used Magick to find true love, she came to me with a problem…

She couldn’t get any attention from men. She couldn’t get a boyfriend because she was very shy, like me.

She felt lonely and ignored. I wanted to help her.

Not only did I show her how to connect with her own Magick energy, but I showed her (step-by-step) how to tap into that Magick to bring Love into her life…

Then… one night she cast the spell perfectly…

She was certain she’d finally find “Mr. Right”.

A few days passed and just when Anne gave up on the spell, thinking she had done something wrong, a wonderful thing happened…

…that afternoon she was at the grocery store, and there he was!

He was drawn to her, even though he was nervous about meeting her. She thought it was cute and they dated passionately for the next 6 years…

Nothing like that had ever happened to Anne in her entire life. The spell worked. And the biggest reason why it worked was…

She allowed it to work when she “gave up on it” – and actually stopped obsessing about when she’d meet a boyfriend!

Anne learned this important lesson, and it changed her life. As soon as she”gave up” and started getting out of the house, back to her normal routine – the Magick spell took effect…

I Can Also Show You Powerful Magick Techniques That Create An Iron-Veil Of Protection Around Everyone You Love… Keeping Them Safe And Happy

Using Magick to protect yourself and your loved ones is more important now than almost any other time in human history.

Bad things are happening to good people every day because the world is full of emptiness, false hope, and negativity.

Terrorism, economic problems, poverty, natural disasters, and violent crimes have made many people scared of life.

But there is hope…

I’ll show you how to cast amazing spells of protection. You’ll have the power to keep bad things happening to you and everyone you love.

You can cast spells to protect people from anything. From something small like causing a falling book to “just miss” your bare foot… to much bigger things like protecting your loved ones from people trying to hurt them.

I personally use very powerful spells of protection for me and my family – to keep everyone safe. You can do this too, I will take you by the hand and show you… stepbystep.

There is another kind of “harm” that real Magick can protect you from…

Your Magick Powers Can Rid Your Life Of Money Worries, And Clear A Steady Path For Wealth…

Read every word in the next 2 sentences very carefully…

If you use the ancient “Money Magick” techniques I will reveal, you can create instant opportunities to get rid of money worries forever. Even to create large sums of wealth.

The “Money Magick” spells and techniques I will show you can control your hidden energies in a special way. These energies will influence your fate and “breathe” wealth into your life.

Just look what happened to my old friend Jason…

Jason’s Story…

My friend, Jason always struggled with money…

He never went to college and didn’t have any real skills (except that he liked to draw). He had a hard time finding a good job and was barely able to pay the bills on his small apartment.

Things got much worse after he got romantically involved with a very troubled young lady. He got her pregnant.

She already had 2 kids of her own, and she couldn’t hold down a job…

At this point Jason was $20,000 in debt, and had to work as a waiter just to put food on the table. And… his debt actually grew larger every month because he had to pay some of his bills with credit cards.

He was feeling desperate.

That’s when Jason called me to talk about his situation. He asked if I could use Magick to help him.

I said, “No.” Then I said…

“You Can Do Far More Powerful Magick For Yourself Than Anybody Else Can…”

I told Jason he could perform much more powerful Magick if it came from inside of him. I simply needed to show him how to control Magick energies to effect events in his life.

Of course I could cast a money spell for Jason, and he would have seen some results. But it is far more powerful when the spell comes from HIS heart alone.

I showed Jason exactly how to cast a spell to clear a path for wealth in his life.

He put all of his natural energy into it, and he cast a powerful money spell that would change his fortune, forever…

Two days later…

…he got a call from an old friend he barely could remember. This friend mentioned a very high-paying position that had opened up at a Hollywood Studio – for an artist!

He called the manager, and they “clicked” – almost instantly!

The manager liked Jason so much that the studio paid for his art design training. They also immediately hired him as a creative

$297   $42 – Mastering The Magick Of Witchcraft – Rose Ariadne

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