Zero to $6K – Ning Li and Austin Lee

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You see, since January 2017, my friend Austin and I have coached an exclusive group of 36 copywriters as part of Derek Johanson’s CopyHour Certified Coaching Program…

Zero to $6K by Ning Li and Austin Lee,
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Copy and Paste This 7-Sentence Email to Land Your First High-Paying Client… Skyrocket Your Copywriting Income Past $6,000 a Month…

Discover the Step-By-Step Blueprint of How to Go From Complete Beginner to Living the Dream Remote Working Lifestyle In As Little As 8 Weeks

> This client-closing template has worked for 31 out of 36 copywriting students I’ve taught it to

> It helped me quit my PhD studying elephant seals and become the chief copywriter at PaleoHacks, a multi-million dollar health company

> Today, it could be the missing link you need to make your freelance copywriting career EXPLODE, even if you have zero experience and zero connections

Freelance Copywriter,

Would you believe me if I told you I was psychic?

Bold claim, I know… but I’m a bold man. 

So let me prove it by reading your mind right now. 

Are you ready? Here we go…

You’ve read dozens of copywriting blogs and books. 

You’ve looked at a few copywriting courses. 

Hell, you may have even landed a few clients. 

But you have no clue how to start making actual money…

Or how to scale up your freelance copywriting income so you can make a living off it. 

Well, that’s EXACTLY what I’m here to show you today. 

Today, I’m going to show you a step-by-step system to go from complete copywriting beginner to making up to $6,000 a month… in just 8 weeks

You see, as a freelance copywriter, all it takes is one email to change your life. 

Because all you need is one high-quality client to say, “Yes, I’ll hire you”…

And… BOOM. 

Thousands of dollars would be plopped into your bank account, instantly.

Enough to quit your job. Enough to transform your life. 

You may think this is completely outside your reality right now…

But I promise you, it’s not. 

With the template I’m about to show you, it’s absolutely possible for a beginner copywriter to achieve this in just 2 short months, and I’ll prove it to you. 

> Even if you have never landed a single client in your entire life and have ZERO connections…

> Even if you’ve tried copywriting courses in the past and haven’t gotten anywhere…

> And even if you’ve sent tons of emails and messages to clients without a response. 

Oh, and our system will let you get clients regardless of the economic conditions.

(With more people than ever bored & buying stuff from home — the demand for good copy has never been higher.)

This proven system lets beginner copywriters close high-paying clients…

Using easy, step-by-step emails with copy-and-paste templates…

This system has worked for 31 out of 36 copywriting students I’ve taught it to… 

And today, it can absolutely work for YOU.

You see, since January 2017, my friend Austin and I have coached an exclusive group of 36 copywriters as part of Derek Johanson’s CopyHour Certified Coaching Program…

It was a tightly knit and closed group… with each student paying up to $5,500 to learn these secrets from us.

The majority of these students started right where you are today… 

In other words, at the VERY beginning, with little to zero experience. 

Yet in just a short amount of time, their lives were TRANSFORMED.

For example:

Joel B. from Denver was in our first coaching program ever, way back in 2017. 

He had never written a sales page before, but by the end of the program, he had finished a $500 sales page and booked a $2,000 one. 

One month later, he used the exact templates we gave him to secure a $5,000 project. Today, he’s working with one of the premier copywriting agencies in the world, writing for big names like Agora Financial and Investing Daily.

Joel second from the left, that’s me on right in the red – from our copywriting agency trip to Breckenridge, CO

The majority of these students were plagued by imposter syndrome (“What if they find out I’m a fraud?!”)…

And struggled with writing copy at first. 

Yet with this simple system, they overcame all of that. 

They’ve quit old jobs they hated…

Discovered new lives of freedom where they get to work where and when they want…

And all they did was follow our system (down to the templates and scripts I’ll show you how to get today).

Thanks to this simple step-by-step blueprint, students have gone from boring “prison cell” desk jobs to living the dream remote working copywriter lifestyle

Simply put, CopyHour Certified Coaching has been one of the most successful freelance copywriting programs, EVER.

All we do is teach our students this simple step-by-step process…

We hand them the email templates…

And they regularly go from total newbies to making $2,000… $5,000… or even more per month in just 8 weeks.

All over our CopyHour Coaching Slack board, there are messages like these:

Students regularly send in video testimonials (without us asking!) like these:

Jonathan F. from Cape Town, South Africa — went from virtual zero to getting personally hired by Austin to write a full health funnel in the online yoga space

This coaching program has been so successful that Derek Johanson (the owner of CopyHour) begged us to reveal our client-closing system to more students

In truth, we didn’t want to at first. 

Austin and I both write for major direct response publishing companies… 

And we simply don’t have time to coach more students. 

But then, Derek had a great idea…

What if we released our entire step-by-step blueprint, complete with templates and all, to the public?

Because when news got out about how successful the program was, other writers were clamoring for the secrets.

By releasing it this way, we could make it available to more students without sinking more time into coaching.

And since it doesn’t directly involve our time, other students can get the same secrets without the $5,000+ price tag!

That’s why…

For the first time EVER, Austin and I are sharing our step-by-step formula and email templates for skyrocketing your freelance copywriting income FAST

That’s what I’m here to show you today. 

And I promise you…

What I’m about to show you has the potential to absolutely change your life.

I mean, think about it…

What would it be like if you were to wake up and NOT have to sit in traffic or go to a desk job?

Want to work 3 hours a day? That’s fine. 

How about taking a day off? That’s fine too. 

You work when you want, and you work the hours you want. 

Want to take an impromptu trip to Hawaii? Australia? Colombia?

Thailand? Greece? 

No problem: just pack your laptop and go!

All the while, you’re pulling in $4,000… $6,000… even $8,000 a month by typing words on your computer & getting cash in exchange for Google docs

Think this is outlandish and impossible?

Think again. 

Because that’s the exact lifestyle me, Austin, and the majority of our students live. 

Austin and I both live by the beach in sunny San Diego, California. 

I eat out literally every single meal. 

I work between 1-5 hours a day. 

I nap and surf most afternoons.

I travel when and where I want, with infinite paid vacation days. (yes, really… PaleoHacks literally gives me these benefits – plus healthcare – to stay with them)

Here’s a picture of Austin and me with Dan Ferrari in Bali. We went for a month in August 2018, just surfing, riding scooters and writing copy.

Here’s Austin snowboarding at sunset in Hokkaido, Japan.?

Here’s me taking my girlfriend on a surprise trip to Akumal, Mexico this past summer.

And it’s not just us… our students have dramatically changed their lives as well. 

Joel B. was able to visit his girlfriend in Colombia with his flexible schedule. 

And here, some students and I went on a trip to Santa Monica, California for a $1,500 personal development workshop. 

See those few guys sitting next to me and my girlfriend?

Those were 2 of my students who started out as complete beginners, just like you. 

All they did was follow the system I’m about to show you. 

In other words, no matter how unlikely you think it may seem…

With this step-by-step system, this kind of lifestyle is something YOU can absolutely achieve… in a time frame MUCH shorter than you think

My name is Ning Li, and my friend Austin Lee and I have been CopyHour Certified Coaches for about 2 years now. 

But that’s actually not our main job. 

Austin and I are both full-time professional direct response copywriters. 

I’m currently the lead copywriter and chief at PaleoHacks, a multi-million dollar cookbook company. 

We’ve sold more Paleo and Keto cookbooks than anyone else on the internet, ever. 

I’ve written controls for big health companies like Organifi, Boardroom, and New Market Health.

I’ve worked with big names like Dan Ferrari and David Deustch. 

And I absolutely love my job.

The other coach, Austin, has written a sales letter that grossed over $1.7 million for Agora Financial, the biggest financial newsletter publisher on the internet. 

He’s written half a dozen controls for, one of the top-selling Clickbank affiliates and owner of the Unlock Your Tight Hip Flexors offer. 

He’s worked directly with A-list marketers like Aaron Winter and Joe Schriefer

Here’s Austin at dinner in St. Petersburg, FL with A-list copywriting legend, David Deutsch.

In the internet marketing space, we’ve been around long enough that we know pretty much everyone 

And unlike some other “coaches”, we know exactly what copy and freelance tactics are working right now…

Because we are actively working and writing every single day.

And today, I’ll share what those tactics are. 

I’ll share the strange story of how I learned all this by quitting a PhD studying elephant seals and meeting a bearded man in Hawaii. 

And I’ll share how you can get the exact tactics and templates to skyrocket your freelance copywriting income by thousands of dollars a month.

Are you ready?

Let’s do it. 

As I said, my name is Ning Li.

The tale of how I became a direct response copywriter is one of the most bizarre and unlikely stories you’ll EVER hear

… yet I give you my word, it is 100% true. 

In it, there’s a critical lesson you need if you ever want to make mountains of cash with copywriting.

I, like most people, followed the traditional route that was laid out for me by society… and by my stereotypical Asian parents. 

I got good grades (nearly all A’s)…

I went to an Ivy league university (Cornell, up in ice-cold upstate New York…)

I got a graduate degree in teaching, after finishing a Master’s in 4 years. 

And by age 26, I had a stable job teaching high school biology in Cortland, New York. 

It was then that I realized…

Man, the “real world” isn’t all it’s cracked up to be!

In fact, (and maybe you agree) “real world” jobs kinda SUCK!

As a high school biology teacher, I had to wake up at 6:00 am every day. 

I dealt with uptight parents and stressed out administration constantly. 

I busted my ass day after day…

Getting home at 6 pm completely exhausted, with no energy to do anything other than eat some food and pass out.

Only to wake up, do it over and over again, and count the days until the weekend, where I would have 2 precious days to actually LIVE life. 

My reward for doing all this?

A measly $30,000 a year.

In other words, I was so broke that I was eating ramen every night to save money. 

I began waking up terrified that I’d blink and one day I’d be 50 years old wondering where the hell my life went

“This couldn’t be all there is to life,” I thought. 

I thought I was at my lowest point… but then the UNTHINKABLE happened.

In rapid succession, I found out my mom had breast cancer, and my girlfriend at the time dumped me. 

I hit rock bottom. 

I was 27 years old… hadn’t done anything useful with my life…

And was broke, alone, depressed, and I absolutely hated the career I was stuck in. 

In short, I felt like an absolute failure. 

Out of desperation, I Googled “how to make money on the side.”

I fell down a deep rabbit hole… and out of the other side I found internet marketing. 

It was mind-blowing to me that anyone could actually make money on the internet…

And the more I read, the more I discovered:

If you want to make money on the internet, there’s ONE essential skill that’s more valuable than anything else

… and that’s copywriting. 

The ability to persuade through words. 

Copywriting is the literal fuel that powers any company earning money online.

So that’s what I started pouring all my time and energy into. 

And to be honest, I didn’t get very far at first. 

I made the mistake that nowadays, I see most copywriting students make:

I read a bunch of books and courses, but I had no clue how to translate that into actual paying clients…

And stone, cold cash. 

Luckily, here’s where the story gets a little weird. 

You see, I feel like the universe gave me a hand. Because…

A random guy on the forums started giving me feedback on my writing…

I didn’t know that “rando” was one of the best copywriters on the planet!

On the forum, his name was “Daniel Balboa.” 

I had no clue who he was or why he was helping me…

Until one day, I stumbled across a copywriting podcast interviewing the guy. 

I realized… Oh shit, this guy is actually a big deal!

His name was Dan Ferrari. 

He’s written massive, internet-breaking controls at Agora Financial, the Motley Fool, Green Valley, and a slew of other big direct response companies. 

He’swidely considered to be one of the best copywriters on the planet right now. 

That was the beginning of a mentorship that is still going, all the way to today. 

Because just a short while later, he sent me a single email that changed my life. 

The email read simply:

“Hey dude. Do you want to make some money?”

My reply?

An emphatic “YES.”

From that summer on, Dan began showing me his secrets to copywriting and freelancing.

This copywriting legend showed me the secrets to closing clients and getting big paychecks with surprising consistency

Using the secrets he showed me, I started getting client after client. 

My paychecks got bigger and bigger. 

Everyone – including my family, my friends, EVERYONE – thought this copywriting thing was a waste of time…

And told me that I should just finish up my PhD.

And Dan Ferrari was the only person in my life that believed in me and told me copywriting was a worthwhile pursuit. 

Thank God he did.

Because thanks to his mentorship, copywriting training, and client-closing secrest, I felt like I was finally finding my place in the world. 

That fall, I did something I had been dreaming of doing for nearly 3 years

I walked into my asshole professor’s office, and I told him I quit. 

Just the thought of that still brings a smile to my face 🙂

I still remember the absolute shock on his face…

And how FREE I felt afterwards. 

That spring, I booked a 2 month trip to Hawaii to train with Dan (that’s where he lives). 

After those 2 months, I traveled for another year or so, continuing to write for Dan and his agency the entire time… 

At the end of that year, I looked at a map of the United States and asked myself:

“Where do I want to live?”

My eyes landed on San Diego. 

And that’s how I got where I am today. 

I thank God every day that I found copywriting…

And that I had the strength to pursue it, despite everything I went through. 

After writing copy for just over a year, Derek Johanson of CopyHour asked me to do something special for him…

You see, Derek has a program called CopyHour that teaches beginner copywriters how to improve their writing by hand-copying winning ads and sales letters. 

It’s an incredibly effective program.

But, as Derek told me, there’s just one problem.. 

Students finish the program and learn the basics of copywriting…

But then they have no clue how to actually get clients!

In fact, as we discovered later, this is actually where 95% of beginner copywriters get stuck!

And if they learned this one simple skill, their incomes would EXPLODE and their lives would be transformed forever.

Derek told me he was looking for experienced “freelance copywriting coaches” to teach his students this one skill…

And that’s where Austin Lee and I came in. 

Austin’s another copywriter who lives in San Diego, and a good friend of mine. 

We both have an extensive background in the art of writing copy and the science of closing high-paying clients. 

We were both trained by Dan Ferrari, and had a proven, consistent client-closing system.

So we decided to help Derek out.

We put our heads together and in a few short months, we created:

A step-by-step blueprint to take a beginner copywriter with ZERO experience…

And get them high-paying copywriting clients in just 8 weeks

We started coaching 6 students at a time. 

And the initial success was incredible. 

Students were landing their dream jobs…

Skyrocketing their freelance copywriting incomes…

And living the lives they’ve always dreamed of. 

Honestly, it’s been so rewarding helping students transform their lives and discover an incredible new life of freedom…

Just like Dan helped me do.

Down the chain it goes, from master to student. 

Today, it’s your turn. 

You’ve seen the real-world results this proven freelance copywriting blueprint offers you…

How it’s helped DOZENS of writers from scraping the bottom of upwork… not having a single client to speak of… swimming in self-doubt up to their ears…

(Wondering whether they have “the right stuff” to become a successful copywriter.)

To commanding 5-figure rates from premium clients…

Working with the top 8 and 9-figure direct response businesses on the planet…

And — best of all… 

Knowing with deep, real confidence they have a high-value skill they can carry with them for a LIFETIME. 

We’re proud to announce the official early-bird release of: 

Zero to $6K

Write Converting Copy, Get High-Paying Clients & Kickstart Your Dream Writer’s Life in 8 Weeks

After six rounds… 50+ weeks of in-session coaching… and over 200 hours… 

Coaching 36 students, many in a similar position to yourself. 

We’ve now refined this proven system SIX TIMES.

(Sorry Grey Goose, you ain’t got nothing on us : )

Remember, in Round 1 — we took one writer from his parent’s basement…

To a royalty-padded seat in the #1 financial direct response agency in the world. 

And that was round one!

You’ve seen what’s gone down since then…

So it’s probably no surprise to hear me say:

This is bar-none the #1 online program for freelance copywriters looking to break into the direct response world.

The first video program to show you over-the-shoulder… week-by-week…

How to master the 2 key pillars of successful freelance copywriting

Without both, you are dead in the water.

Pillar 1: The art of writing copy

Pillar 2: The science of freelance business

Lucky for you, we cover both pillars in extensive detail. 

The beauty of Zero to $6K — it teaches you both at the same time.

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